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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Broken endings

My dear loving husband..psh! 7-9-13  So I didn't realize his anger problems till the day he broke my hand. On this day I went to our apartment that he was living in I can't remember the reason why exactly but I went over he wasn't home so I had the room mate unlock the door. I then tired to contact him I called his work and they said he had called off that day. Well I was pissed I broke all the glass vases any thing glass I broke. 
After I broke all my glass wear I cleaned it up and started to pack stuff I called my mom and had her come pick it up and take it to my house. 
We unloaded trip one we went back over to the apartment to get the rest of my stuff and he pulled in right as I did. I then kinda proceeded to tell him I was packing all my shit. My mom got there we all went up stairs and finished loading. He got mad and wanted his key. I didn't have a key to the apartment. He swore I did he took the keys out of my hand and took my key to my house and threw it. 
After like 5 minutes looking for it having a yelling match I finally found it. I then when packed up the rest of the little stuff and he came out told me to leave I said no it's my apartment to I don't have to. He went into our room I went in there to get what was left and in the process he got mad. 
He demanded my phone (iPhone) I told him no it was mine and I needed it just in case something happens to our daughter. He then pried my phone from my hand so I dropped down to my knees and threw everything out of his pocket in hopes to get his phone. I threw this phone on ex I relized I had thrown it I went after it. (It had a lot of stuff I could use against him; cheating with a minor, use of drugs, selling of drugs) He came after me tackled me (he's a 400+ pound man) my mom was yelling at this time get off of her. I had his phone in my hand I got out from under him and got on my knees.  he got on his knees threw my phone into our master bathroom tub and hit me in the head with his arm making my fall to the ground again. I got up went and got my phone and he blocked me in the bathroom fighting my hands apart. I finally was done gave him his phone and got passed him. Went into the kitchen to pack up the rest of our cupboards and this is when I realized my hand starting to hurt, and my head spinning. My mom came out and then he came out. He then proceed to ask me if I was taking all the spices I said I don't give a fuck my hand is throbbing. What do you want. My mom sent me out to the truck to check on my daughter.  Then when I was calm enough I went in the apartment to finish and told him I'll leave him half of the spices. And long story short he took me to dinner we talked about everything that was going on and then he got some. Even a damn blow job. And me and my daughter spent the night. I went to the instacare and they then said that it was broke. I couldn't believe that it was broke. I couldn't believe he did that to me. But I was also scared I didn't want him to back lash on me or take my daughter and so I lied. I covered his back like I always did and made up a story.i told this story to everyone, unless it was my family or his then I told them a completely different story.  I wish I would of told the truth but I was protecting my family. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Rolla coaster ride

From day one of our relationship it has been a rolla coaster. We started dating 10-27-10 and at first he kept up a good roll as being the bestest man for me... He did this to blind me from all the lies, he actually did this threw out our marriage. He had betrayed great qualities. 
So as this rolla coaster began, I fell to quickly for his batrayed qualities. The reason why I call it rolla coaster was due to the fact that we broke up an got back together all the time. For the first year we were together, then we were good once we got married I thought I could never be happier the first year was a great one! We hardly ever fought. 
But once we had split a year and half into our marriage 6-28-13 I some how jumped back on to the rolla coaster from July to September I was on this ride. We finally was done when we both got someone else. 
But threw this time he would say lets get back together or let's try to work this out, just so we can only get down (sex) I tried the first few times to work it out but I didn't know what he was up to. Which as only to get some. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

I now pronounce you as a divorcey

So here I am 6 months down the road and I'm still not even legally separated. He attempted to serve me papers yet failed. This post is probably going to go for days. But I think it will be important once I'm finally threw this. 

Alright so it all started back in June the last Saturday. My husband was an hour late like usual from work and well I was finally sick of it!! I called him and the way he talked to me I knew something had changed. I then emailed my mom who was in weber county jail. Andproceeded   to tell her with tears in my eyes that I don't think we were gonna make it.He got home I was in bed not sure if I wanted to talk to him and I didn't want him to see me crying. He came in like always to see what my problem was. I then could work up enough courage to tell him what was going threw my mind so he left to the front room. Started to drink a few beers. This upset me cause I wanted to talk about it but could work up enough courage like I said earlier. I said something to him slammed the door and he was pissed! He grabbed some beer went out to the car and I watched threw the window of our appartment as he drank and angrly talked on the phone. He came inside grabbed his keys I jumped up and as he was walking out the door I oppened our bedroom door and said I guess you want a divorce!! And from that moment it was never the same. I was pissed at that point cause he didn't want to talk and he was leaving and he was goin to be driving while intoxicated... As soon as I seen him leave in the car I packed my clothes my daughters clothes called my dad no answer called my mom and had her come get me my daughter and my dog. 

I cried to my mom I was so ashamed that this was happening, even more so that I didn't have a car case he took both sets of keys. She took me to my dads after I finally got a hold of him. I cried to my dad and felt wen more shameful then ever before in my life! I then used my app called find iPhone to see where my husband went, I then locked my husbands iPhone from my iphone so he could only call me he had no need to call anyone but me! I wanted to talk to him. He called late that night on his way back home from where ever it was that he always at and said he was on his way home and unlock his phone. I told him I'm not home ad he of coursed asked where I was so I told him. Then I unlocked his phone. And that was the end of the first night. Of the beggining of my new life.